Free listing on
Free Listing on the pages of
If you have any kind of business relationship with Santorini island, if you offer the visitors and residents of Santorini any kind of service or product, we invite you to register your details on our pages for ever. is now going through text processing and will be translated in four languages in its final form. Greek, English, Italian and German.
The listing of any business venture in Santorini is free for ever. Simply send us your trading name and your kind of trade, your address and your contact details. There is a possibility of prepaid listing and advertisement with much more information, photographs, articles, link for your own website and rich media. If you are interested simply contact us and we will send you our price list.
The aim of is to include in its webpages all the information that has to do with santorini island. Therefore we don't limit the information only on the tourist business categories, which the most of the websites do, but we have all the business categories of the island.
For your free listing all you need to do is send us an email. See contact us
Renewal or change of your details can be done whenever you wish, again with a simple email, and is free for ever. We would like to thank you for helping us create a very well informed Santorini Yellow Pages.
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